We’ve previously written about Creativebug, a great app that allows to you view 1,000+ crafting how-to videos. You can take Creativebug on the go! Visit the Google Play store or Apple App Store to download the app on your mobile device.
Getting Started on the Creativebug App
If you have an existing Creativebug account, you can login to the app two ways: enter your email and password or log in with Facebook.
If you don’t have a Creativebug account you can create a free account by tapping on “Create Account.” It’s a good idea to create your account using a desktop computer browser. This allows you full access to all the videos in the app. You can create an account using your library card on a computer by going to Creativebug’s website. To create an account in the app, tap the create account button. From there, enter your email address and a password you’d like to use. Creating an account in the app only allows access to videos marked as “free.”
Explore on the Creativebug app
The home screen of the Creativebug app has the Creativebug logo at the top. Directly below the logo is a search bar. Below the search bar is a filtering option to sort the videos that are displayed below. At the bottom of the screen are four icons.
The first icon is Explore. Classes on the Explore page can be filtered by class subject such as Jewelry, Knitting, Sewing, etc.
To filter by class subject tap on “All Classes” under the Filter by tab. Next, you’ll see a list of class types.
Within each class type, you can filter within that particular class to get more specific. You can tap on more than one subtopic. You will know it is selected when it has a check mark to the right of it.
Once you have made your selections, tap on “Apply.” Your Explore page now shows the filtered class videos. You can tap “Remove All Filters” if you want to change your results.
You can also sort class videos under the “Sort by” option. Class videos can be sorted alphabetically, by release date, and popularity. The default sort option is by release date. You can change this by tapping on any of the other options.
Class Videos
Tapping on a class video takes you to that class’s page. The first tab in the class page is the “Description” tab. On the description page you will see the class video and the class title with the playing time. The Description tab gives you the option to add the class video to your watchlist. Classes can also be shared by text, email, or on social media by tapping on “Share” in the top right hand corner.
The second tab is the “Materials” tab. Under the Materials tab you can see the complete list of materials needed for the craft.
The third tab is “Chapters.” Chapters is where you can find the download and casting options. To download the class to your device, tap the button next to download to my classes. Please note that the ability to cast to another device is only available on Android devices.
Please note that not all class videos have chapters.
The last tab is “PDFs.” This is where a PDF of the class with screenshots and descriptions can be viewed. Tapping on “View PDF” will open the class PDF. Please note that not all classes have an associated PDF.
My Classes
In “My Classes” there are two tabs you can choose from. They are “Downloads” and “Watchlist.”
Under the “Watchlist” tab there are two categories: “Watchlist” contains class videos that you have saved, and “Recently Watched” contains videos you have recently watched.
In the “Downloads” tab, you can find any classes you’ve downloaded. These classes can be watched with or without an internet connections.
Like the website, the Creativebug app has an “Instructors” tab. Tapping on the Instructors tab at the bottom of the screen will bring up a list of Creativebug instructors.
Tapping on an instructor will bring up that instructor’s page. Each instructor’s page has a photo or introductory video for the instructor, a written profile, and a list of links for that instructor.
Scrolling down the instructor’s page will also show the instructor’s class videos and a gallery of their creations.
The final tab at the bottom of the screen is “Settings.”
In Settings you will find your profile and the app settings.
Tapping on the profile icon will open an option for you to upload or capture a photo for your profile.
Tapping on the pencil and paper next to your name will bring up an option to change your profile name. Once you have changed your name tap on “Submit” to save your changes.
Offline Storage Usage refers to how much space you want to allow Creativebug to use for downloaded class videos.
Below your profile info are the other Settings options. At the bottom of settings, you have the option to log out of Creativebug or to delete your Creativebug account.
Have you tried the Creativebug app yet? Let us know in the comments!