Tech-Talk is a resource the library provides to its staff and resident patrons, and it is available in three formats. The free weekly newsletter provides tips in text and video formats. Those articles, as well as free webinars, quick reference guides, and more are archived on the website and the app.
The technology-focused e-newsletter is perfect for professional development for non-techies. It introduces fresh ideas and ways to use technology to work more productively and communicate effectively. With a focus on productivity software from Microsoft Office and interpersonal communications, Tech-Talk doesn’t just tell people how to do things, it tells them why and shows them new ways to make technology work for them.
Tech-Talk arms you with the missing technology (and communications) skills you need to get good grades, better jobs, and higher pay. It is digital learning with easy-to-read articles, videos, and other fun stuff with the tips and tricks you need to be competitive in today’s hi-tech world. Some of the topics covered in Tech-Talk include:

The Website and App

The Tech Talk website can be accessed in a browser or using a mobile app (Apple and Android). To get the app, go to
If prompted, enter eglibrary as both the user name and the password. This password can be saved.
To search or browse for topic, click on “Articles & Videos” in the top menu. You can then search by keyword or topic, enter a problem to solve, or ask a new question if you haven’t found an article or webinar to meet your need. You can scroll down to browse articles in date order (newest first).

Learning Activities
In addition to articles, Tech Talk has tool kits, scavenger hunts for training, one-sheet reference guides, targeted problem-solving, webinars, CE certificates, and so much more. To see an index of all of them, click “Learning Activities” in the menu. Alternatively, hover over it and see a categorized sub-menu.
The search page has the same search options we saw on the articles page, and it also includes titles of the latest 10 articles in each of 21 different categories for quick browsing.

The Newsletter
You can opt-in to the e-newsletter to receive a short weekly email with a productivity tip and a communication tip. Videos and text are both provided. To sign up for the newsletter, fill in this short form. If prompted, the username and password are both eglibrary.
Got Questions?
Need help finding or using the database? Installing the app? Subscribing to the newsletter? Ask us in the comments, call the library at 518-477-7476, or email us at