OverDrive Media Console Update – Important Changes

OverDrive LogoIf you use our OverDrive service to download e-books and/or audiobooks to an Android or iOS (Apple) device, there is a new update on the way that may not be as seamless as the updates have been in the past.  OverDrive emailed the release notes for the new version to partner libraries indicating the new update, version 2.6.5, will be made available on May 29th 28th via Google Play, the App Store, and the OverDrive website.

For Android users, the update includes some bug fixes and should go as smoothly as previous updates.  However, iOS users may have a bit more difficulty due to a change in Apple’s privacy policies.  The update will require all iOS users to reauthorize the device by re-entering Adobe ID information into the app.  If you have forgotten your Adobe password, there will be a “forgot password” link within the app, or you can head to Adobe’s sign-in page and click the “Trouble signing in?” link to reset your password.   Any audiobooks that have been partially downloaded will need to be re-downloaded from your OverDrive account’s bookshelf to get the missing parts.

As always, if you run into any trouble with the updates or the OverDrive service in general, please to not hesitate to email, call the Reference Desk (518-477-7476, option 5), or stop by to get assistance with your issue.

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