New Features on OverDrive Mobile

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More good news from OverDrive, the service provider behind our downloadable e-books and audiobooks!  Based on patron feedback, they have made some improvements to their mobile interface.  Here’s the rundown:

  1. Patron-defined lending:  Choose your own lending period for each title.  Lending period options include 7, 14, or 21 days.  If you plow through your e-media quickly, a shorter lending period can help to keep you from exceeding the 10 item checkout limit.
  2. Advanced search:  In addition to keyword search, you can now search by title, author, publisher, format, and more!  This targeted approach should save you some search time.
  3. Enhanced searching:  After search results are returned, filters are available to help you narrow down further.  One helpful filter will only show titles with copies available for immediate checkout.  No more scrolling through page after page looking for a book you can download today.
  4. Page numbers:  Search results will now have page numbers so you can estimate the total number of results and keep track of your location within results.

We hope these features make your mobile downloading experience easier and faster than ever!  Enjoy!

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