These days, we depend on our portable devices for just about everything. When they get low on juice, panic sets in. Even if you can find an outlet, do you have your charging cord? You probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this often happens to people at the library. Now we have a solution!
Thanks to a generous grant from the Friends of the East Greenbush Community Library, we were able to purchase two device charging stations for the library that include charging cords that will fit most mainstream devices (Apple Lightning, Apple 30-pin, and MicroUSB). If you have your own cord, you can also plug into a USB port or one of the additional electrical ports on the box.
If you would like to try out one of the device chargers, here is where you can find them…
Youth Services:

Adult Services (main area):

In the main area of the library, we were hoping to put the charger near the music area. Unfortunately, we discovered that the outlet is dead. Until we can get that fixed, the charger temporarily lives on the laptop cart behind the reference desk. [Update: The charger is now located in the music area.] As a reminder, please do not leave your device unattended while charging. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
We hope you find the new service useful. Let us know what you think in the comments!