Don’t Miss Out on an Easy Way to Support the Library

There’s a good chance you’ve done at least a little online shopping on Amazon has started a program called Amazon Smile, which allows a percentage of each eligible purchase to be donated to the charity of your choice. More good news, you can support the East Greenbush Community Library with each eligible purchase!

Use this link to get directly to a landing page that selects the Friends of the East Greenbush Community Library as your charity. Or, you can follow the process below to learn more about selecting the library from the Amazon Smile home page.

To begin, go to and sign in with your regular Amazon account.

Next, you will be asked to choose a charity you’d like to support. If you would like to support the East Greenbush Library, you can type in East Greenbush Friends of the Library.

Screenshot of searching for a charity

Next, click the select button next to the charity name.

Screenshot of search results showing Friends of the East Greenbush Community Library.

Once your charity of choice has been selected, you will see a confirmation message. After you make your first eligible purchase, you can see the total amount of how much has been donated to your selected charity through Amazon Smile.

If you would ever like to change your charity selection, from the Amazon Smile homepage, mouse over where it says Hello, (Your Name) and click on the Amazon Smile link.

Screenshot demonstrating how to change your selected charity by clicking on the Amazon Smile link in the account and lists menu.

Have you tried out Amazon Smile? Let us know in the comments!

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