Chances are that while browsing on Facebook, Twitter or various other websites, you have come across an article or piece of information that caused you to question its validity. Luckily, IFL Science has put together a list can that help you determine whether or not an article is a hoax. The article lists ways to tell if what you are reading has any credibility. Their suggestions include doing a reverse Google image search, using a tool called FotoForensics to determine if a picture has been Photoshopped, and using the details embedded in the picture itself to determine its validity.
Facebook has become one of the most popular ways in which people get their news. WeLiveSecurity has put together a list of helpful ways to tell if a story you see on Facebook may not be real. Their tips include not trusting a story that forces you to share it before you can even read it and any story that features an overly violent news report.
Another good resource for determining not only whether something you saw online is valid is Snopes. The website has a searchable database that you can use to verify questionable information you find online, in an email or if your everyday life.
Do you have any tips for determining whether an article is a hoax? Let us know in the comments.