While browsing through the large number of titles in the library’s OverDrive digital media collection, have you ever wondered if you have already borrowed a specific title? A new feature called History can help.
The History feature automatically keeps track of titles that you have borrowed via OverDrive. While the feature is still new, you may get a popup when you login to OverDrive:
Accessing History
You can access your History by clicking on the History link in the above popup. There are also several other ways you can access your account and history. You can access your account by clicking the bookshelf iconand choosing History from the menu on the left. It can also be accessed by clicking My account and then History.
Titles are automatically added when you borrow them, as of October 4, 2017. Each title on your History page is marked with the date of the loan or the date you added it (more on that below). If you borrow a title more than once, it will appear in your history multiple times.
Adding Titles Manually
You can manually add a title from search results or its details page without borrowing it. This can be done by clicking the three dots next to the title on the search results page and then clicking Add to History.
Or by clicking Add to History on the title’s details page.
If you have rated titles in the past, clicking the Add Rated Titles button will add all rated titles to your history.
Removing Titles
To remove a title, go to your History page, select , which is located next to date loaned or added, and then choose Remove from history. If you remove a title that’s listed more than once, all instances of that title are removed from your history.
Hiding History
If you don’t want to see your history, click on the bookshelf icon and then select Settings. Under the General heading, deselect History.
Once you deselect the history option, you’ll get a popup confirming your choice.
Select Hide if you wish to proceed. Titles you borrow won’t be added to your history while it’s hidden. If you turn on the feature in the future, you’ll only see titles borrowed from that day forward.
Have you checked out the new History feature? Let us know in the comments.